If you choose to access this website, you agree to the following terms.
All the material on this website is copyrighted.
Partner logos, stock photos, and attributed images are copyrighted to their owners.
I own the copyright for all original material on the site.
I track how people collectively access and use the site. For example, 450 people accessed my WordPress Care Plan page last month. 250 of them used Chrome, 150 used Firefox, 40 used Edge, and 10 used Opera.
I use cookies to do this.
All tracking data is anonymous. For details about personal information (where you are identified), please see my Privacy Policy.
Helpful Advice Only
I freely offer helpful advice related to websites, including how to:
- Create and care for great websites
- Get people to visit your website
- Convert people who visit your website into leads
I base my advice on personal experience and sources I trust. But you are responsible for assessing my advice and deciding whether to follow it. I am not responsible for any bad things that may happen after following my advice.
I also share lessons I have learned from my broader experience as a small business owner.
But I:
- Only offer general advice (not tailored to your specific circumstances).
- Am not a lawyer or an accountant.